Delivered by a unique consortium of local delivery partners across the city, the Enterprising Sunderland programme will provide advice and support to those already running – or looking to run – their own business. It brings together like-minded organisations, all of whom are embedded within the city’s communities, to ensure this support reaches those who really need it, especially those in some of the city’s harder to reach communities.

Offering free one-to-one advice, workshops, events and online resources and information, we want to make enterprise accessible to people from all walks of life.

The consortium, led by the North East BIC, is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and has been set up to help stimulate business start-up, growth and innovation.

Enterprising Sunderland - The Partners

North East BIC Logo

North East BIC

Encouraging and supporting entrepreneurship.

Back on the map logo

Back on the Map

A better place, a strong community, a local voice.

Princes Trust

Princes Trust

Supporting young people to start a business.

Smarta Logo


eLearning programmes, in your own time.

Sunderland BME Network

Sunderland BME Network

Promoting the BME voluntary and community sector.

University of Sunderland Logo

University of Sunderland

An innovative, accessible and inspirational university.



Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion.

Sunderland Council

Sunderland City Council

A better future for Sunderland and its citizens.

Customer Story / Flowers by Julie McDowell

Flowers by Julie McDowell

Julie McDowell, 52, has worked as a florist for numerous city stores since she started out working at a flower stall in The Bridges back in 1989.

This year however will mark the first time that Julie has been her own boss, after she finally grasped the nettle and realised her dream of opening her own boutique.

Since then, she has been blown away by the response the business has received from customers both new and old, near and far.

Enterprising Sunderland is the overarching title for this business support programme and is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Delivered by a unique consortium of delivery partners in Sunderland working together to stimulate entrepreneurial ambition across the city.
Sunderland Council Logo
Funded by UK Gov