How do you get the best out of remote working? Attend our on-line workshop to find out!
About this event
Whilst remote working is not a new phenomenon, the pandemic has meant that many organisations are now trying to understand the challenges and opportunities of staff working in different ways – on site, off site, hybrid and at home.
What we know is that businesses are divided in their opinions about how to support staff going forward – some want all staff to return to the office asap and will reduce pay if they don’t, others are asking their staff to return to the office but staff are demonstrating reluctance to return, whilst other employees are happy for staff to continue to work remotely.
So how do you get the best out of remote working as an employer or as a staff member? SFEDI are leading an Erasmus Plus project, with partners from seven other EU member states, to develop a set of learning materials and resources to support employer and their staff n how to effectively manage remote working.
The outcomes from the project are designed for businesses like yours so we would like to invite you to a workshop where we can provide you with an opportunity to use the materials and gain your feedback on their usability and value.
We look forward to seeing you there!