Our Stand up and be Counted event is a great opportunity to sell your business, raise your profile and meet new contacts. Each business will deliver a 60 second presentation to other delegates in the room.
To ensure this event is accessible to as many members as possible, attendance is limited to one representative from each organisation.
Who should attend this event?: Any Chamber member looking to meet other members in the central belt of the region.
Who will you meet at this event?: Predominantly this event is attended by a mix of our Essentials and Small members in the local area from all sectors.
Dress code: We don’t stipulate a dress code at our events, but we’d recommend you dress like you’re going to meet new clients. The most important this is that you’re comfortable.
Behaviour & Conduct: Our events create an inclusive space for individuals and organisations to meet where we expect all our attendees to behave with courtesy and respect, to both each other and Chamber colleagues.
Our events are open to Chamber members only. If you’re not a member and would like to attend, or discuss the benefits of membership, please email: your@neechamber.co.uk.