BIC Social Enterprise

Helping refugees to make a full contribution to their local communities

The BIC’s social enterprise experts are at the heart of a unique project to integrate refugees into their local community and labour market, making the most of their valuable skills and talents.

We’re working closely with respected activist Sarah Ahmadi to deliver the project, named after its funder the EU Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund. It draws on Sarah’s own experiences as an asylum seeker forced to abandon a high-profile career in TV when she fled war-torn Afghanistan in 2002.

AMIF Project - Social Enterprise

AMIF helps to support refugees transition into appropriate employment in the UK, and the BIC’s social enterprise team helps those with entrepreneurial ambitions to start up their own business.

Launched in September 2019, the programme is active in locations around Tyne and Wear. Among those to benefit from new opportunities are people from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan Syria and Tunisia.

This project is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union.

The structured course includes:

Speak to the AMIF team

To find out more email Kevin at or Sarah at

“I’m just one example of the many refugees who hold high level qualifications in their home countries in fields such as medicine, law, entrepreneurship and management. Unfortunately, on arrival to the UK most will end up in menial labour work due to the language barrier. They have the potential to make a real contribution to the UK economy and this project is designed to help them to do that.”

“This project brings bright new opportunities to the life of these people. Most of our learners were very isolated, unemployed and on benefits when they came to us. The project gives them confidence and the motivation to gain new skills.”

EU Flag

This project is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union.