Spanish entrepreneurs say Hola to Sunderland

Internationalisation project

Paula Baldo, Eugenio Clavijo, Lilla Preston and Eduardo Velasco

The North East Business and Innovation Centre (BIC) has welcomed three European entrepreneurs to the region as part of an internationalisation project.

The Spanish entrepreneurs are visiting the city to gain best practice insight from business leaders and technical experts in the region, as part of a ‘soft landing’ programme in association with EOI, our Spanish partners. During the visit they will be working with the BIC and our associate mentors, meeting companies and learning more about UK business culture. Whilst here, they are also taking the opportunity to explore the North East and Sunderland’s history.

Lilla Preston, special projects manager from the BIC said: “We have a great deal of experience delivering international projects at the BIC and working with the entrepreneurs not only helps to build relationships with our European partners, but also provides us with the opportunity to showcase Sunderland as a thriving city for business.

“During their stay, we have arranged for the Spanish entrepreneurs to gain valuable insight from mentors, partners and local businesses, an opportunity which may not have been available to them had it not been for our strong working relationships throughout the region.”

Paula Baldó, an environmental consultant, Eduardo Velasco, a smart city solutions developer, and Eugenio Clavijo, who has designed an e-bike concept, will be working with the BIC for four weeks.

Eduardo said: “During our first week in Sunderland, our mentors have introduced us to some fantastic business networking events and innovative companies.

“Business culture in the UK encourages collaboration and sharing of ideas with other likeminded professionals. I am sure we will all gain invaluable experience to develop our businesses, make new contacts and look forward to our remaining time here.”

The international project aims to help businesses develop and grow by giving them the chance to learn from UK professionals, discover new working techniques and be challenged by innovative approaches within their sector.

The entrepreneurs also have the chance to discuss whether their business ideas could work within a UK market should this be something they wish to explore.

For more information about the North East BIC’s international soft landing projects please contact Lilla Preston on 0191 516 6021.

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